Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Miracles and magic have permeated the last few months with such vigour that I find myself happily surrendering to life! Beauty and ease have begun to fill my days, and new opportunities are taking root while the tender green shoots of spring are still blanketed with snow.

My heart has been healing and filling with a great new fire. Mexico was more than I bargained for, and just what I needed. What I have allowed myself to let go of, is now falling into my lap.

My trip to the mountains in Mexico, to the 7:7:7:7 gathering with Chabela, has altered my path. What was revealed to me there has opened new doors, spiralling into destiny. We fell in love. We surrendered deeply into love, letting go of what held us back, and releasing into magic.

The synchronicities are noticed, acknowledged, and appreciated. Chabela is the same age as my last partner. She left Canada to go travelling, met a man, fell in love, got pregnant and had her first child at 21, like my last partner. She has three kids who are the same ages as my last partner's. She drives a Toyota 4x4 like my last partner's. The list goes on, with an uncanny echoing of the previous year of my life.

To top it off, at the gathering in Mexico, they were both there. An experience that was not easy, but very useful. An acceleration of healing has happened. A cleansing and a clarity have been gifted to me. There was life and death. Literally. Four nights were spent in funeral ceremony for an Ojibwe elder who passed away after breakfast on the fourth day. I will never know if he is aware of how much he helped me.

A few days ago, on the new moon, I danced, then made a fire with a friend, to let go of the last of the things I was holding onto. It was a way for me to honour the many gifts I received from Bernice. And to let go of the past, to honour what I am creating with Chabela.

Suddenly, wood has been thrown onto the fire of a dream I had been losing touch with. My faith in following my heart is being restored. As is the faith in knowing all the details will be filled in, as the passion is kept alive. Chabela loves the idea of travelling and using art to teach compassion. She wants to live in community. Already she is invovled with a number of social and environmenatl projects on Stone Island. Her spiritual connection to native Huichol medicine people and to Buddhhist teachers takes her on many journeys in Mexico and the States. She is a love sponge! People flock to her to soak up the beauty that pours out of her. Her late-husband would say, 'Everywhere she goes she has this big tail!'

I have a plane ticket back to Mexico. In five weeks I will be back on Stone Island. The mystery continues to unfold as the magical map of destiny is revealed, day by day, moment by moment. The gift of this life nourishes me, as I continue to unwrap the present, and receive the blessings of love.